I've always been one that has set goals for myself. In the last few years, especially my last years of Christian ministry, I had others help set those goals, that I was to achieve, and help the organization achieve. I was taken through a series of psychological assessments, interviews, and even some quasi-counseling sessions, to see if I could achieve the goals that were set before me. After months of deliberation, it was decided that I would venture out to achieve these goals. In other words, my identity was directly attached to an external set of circumstances. This "self-image" was based upon a contract, a look, a talk, and by the way I conducted my day. The contract (goals) were the "outside of the cup" that people saw.
When this contract couldn't be fulfilled my self-image was lost. The only way to gain a self-image was to create a new contract, a new set of goals, and a new challenge. I had failed to accomplish that which I promised to do. Maxwell, in his book, talked about students that identified their self-image with their test taking abilities. He said, "The trouble with these students was not that they were dumb or lacking in basic aptitudes. The trouble was an inadequate self-image ("I don't have a mathematical mind"; "I'm just naturally a poor speller"). They identified with their mistakes and failures. Instead of saying "I failed the test (factual and descriptive), they concluded "I am a failure." Instead of saying "I flunked that subject," they said "I am a flunk-out."(Maltz, Maxwell. "The Self-Image: Your Key to Living Without Limits." In The New Psycho-Cybernetics, . ed. New York: Penguin Books, Ltd. , 2001.)
Rather than saying, "I failed the contract" I said, "I am a failure." My self-image was directly connected to the contract and goals. It was based upon external circumstances rather than internal factors. It is quite easy to create an identity on goals, but should we can create an identity based on external past events, which I am also guilty of doing? This is where I disagree with Alcoholics Anonymous. I think it is a great organization, and it helps people get honest and real with their problems, but it also creates a false sense of self-image that I think can be eternally damaging. To stand up and say, "I am an alcoholic" is basing your identity on something external that a person chose to do. They chose to over drink, become addicted, and struggle with alcohol. The issue is that you can only function in the identity that you create for yourself. If you say you are something based upon the external your subconscious brain then adapts to make that a reality.
When it comes to religion there is a popular movement in Christianity that attempts to "speak things into existence", or the "word-faith" movement. If you speak good things, good things will happen. In a non-religious world, this is called, "The Law Of Attraction." You will naturally attract that which you speak because of the positive energy and vibrations that you emanate. If I say, "I am going to have a great day at work" I speak into an external situation. If I say, "I will achieve the goals that I have set out before me today", I've spoken into an external situation. This is problematic because the internal situation has not changed. Maxwell said, "In fact, it is literally impossible to really think positive about a particular situation, as long as you hold a negative concept of self."
To bring it even more closer to home and a problem I've always had with what I call, "controlling religion" is that it defines a person, even universally, by the mistakes they've made. They call it "sin." Therefore, many identify with being a sinner--something they do. Therefore, they become the situation. Just like the kid who says he is dumb because he failed a test, and continues failing, the person who calls himself a "sinner" defaults to sinning (this is relative to what the denomination defines sin as). The system, hence, becomes the defining entity of the person based on their interpretation of what or what isn't sin. It is so easy to become imprisoned within the concepts of your mind because of external circumstances.
I like what Jesus said to the religious leaders of his day. ""Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean" (Matthew 23:27). The outside, external circumstances can be cleaned, new goals dreamed up, and new contracts made, but these past failures lurk underneath the surface in our subconscious minds, wreaking havoc on the inside that is like "dead bones and uncleanliness." The subconscious then hijacks the new contracts and dreams because our self-image was created by past failures. Many times we subconsciously high-jack a goal before it begins because we know we are going to fail at it.
I have somebody very, very, close to me in my life that subconsciously high-jacks relationships and intentionally breaks them up because of an event that happened to them in the past. A past event determines their behavior now, because their self-image rests in an external event. Your behaviors and motivators follow past experiences you've identified yourself with. You and I create an underground reality that creates the external reality that you and I live in. The roots determine the height and width of the tree.
This is why I am convinced of the Jewish idea of "Lech lecha" that I mention so often. It is a call to leave the reality you've created and step into the reality the Creator has already made. Step out of the perspective you are so convinced of, and into the perspective of "an outsider." Let me define "outsider." It is seeing yourself from outside yourself. I would compared this to a scientist who is observing his experiment, running tests on his experiment, and analyzing it with outside sources other than his own. The interesting thing about the experiment that he is observing is that he is both the scientist and the experiment. He must step outside of himself and become the observer of that which he is studying--"himself."
Have you ever tried to observe yourself outside your perspective. Have you ever listened to yourself on a recording and said, "Do I sound like that?" It is different from what you hear when you just talk. Have you ever seen a video of yourself? Have you noticed that it looks differently than the person you see in the mirror everyday when you brush your teeth. Have you ever seen yourself from another person's perspective? That is metaphysical and what Maimonides calls the "highest form of connecting with the Divine. Have you ever just really tried seeing somebody else's point of view without trying to discredit them or convince them that you are right? What if this happened religiously? What would happen in the Middle East if those fighting would just stop, observe, and walk in the person's shoes they are fighting with.
This is tough...not an easy journey and I'm sure many, if not most choose to live on the mountain. Then their are the few, fueled by adventure and curiosity, that want to know how deep the mountain goes underground. I want to know why I "tick". I want to know this Creator that formed the universe. I want to know the divine image that I was created in. I want to understand the depths of "loving my neighbor as myself", "blessing my enemy", "being a Good Samaritan", "having peace that passes all understanding." I desire the secret Paul found when he said, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want"(Philippians 4:12). I want to understand the depths of what the Buddha said when he said, "the whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you. Depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help you are you free." I want to understand the mystery of "Christ in you, the hope of glory"(Colossians 1:27).
whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will
become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are
you freed.”- - See more at:
whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will
become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are
you freed.” - See more at:
What is this "Christ" in us--that is below the surface of what everybody sees. That which is internal and not based on external circumstances. This isn't Jesus' last name, but the title He was given. This same title is nestled somewhere deep within our self-image that we must find a way to identify with in spite of what we've been told or the way external situations have turned out. It is "salvation."
It isn't through the church, a religion, a synagogue, mosque, or enlightenment center--but through a journey. A journey that starts by leaving the mental images that have been shaped by external events. These events have shaped how we view God--so, we must leave that god (atheism), to find God. When we find ourselves, we find God, and when we find them both, we find the "Christ" within that is able to save us from those external situations that have crippled and defined us. Yes, Jesus was "the Way" of this journey to a "land that only God can show us" (Genesis 12:1). The result of "leaving" is:
2“I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
3I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:2-3)
There is something in "the name"... or just some unorthodox heresy.
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