A Splash of Color
1 John 1:7-8
7 But
if we live in the light, as God is in the light, we can share
fellowship with each other. Then the blood of Jesus, God’s Son, cleanses
us from every sin.
8 If we say we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
MARSHALL MCLUHAN...have you ever heard of him? Marshall McLuhan was a philosopher of communications. He was the one that coined the phrase, "the medium is the massage." "McLuhan adopted the term "massage" to denote the effect each medium has on the human sensorium, taking inventory of the "effects" of numerous media in terms of how they "massage" the sensorium" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_McLuhan). Let's try to figure this out in a "non-academic" common language that we all use every day. This guy believed that the message of any media outlet was perceived by the general public as the person communicating it. When I think of "Nike Basketball" shoes, I don't think of shoes, but a person--Michael Jordan. It wasn't a product, but a person, and that person was the product.
Everybody in the entire world is looking to believe in something. I would argue in a generic sense that everybody is religious--it is something just built into our DNA. That religion doesn't have to be mainline religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc., but could be atheism, humanism, or just believing in self. I'm not here to rip on any of them--that isn't my job. I'm simply saying that it is human nature to want to believe in something. The belief itself has a medium--a face, a personality, a person. For instance, let's take atheism--the belief that there is no god. The person communicating this belief, effectively in essence becomes the belief. The better the communicator, the better the message. Therefore, that person "becomes" atheism, rather than atheism is just what the person believes. When a person then thinks of atheism, they won't necessarily think of all the bullet points, beliefs, theories, and arguments the person communicating had, but they will think about the person. The person becomes the face of a belief.
I can only speak at this point of that in which I know, Christianity. For the last few years, I've been the biggest cynic of Christianity because I strongly disagreed with the "mediums" communicating the message and it appeared the mediums contradicted themselves. You've got a right wing medium (conservative fundamentalists), a left wing medium (liberal), and a middle ground called "contemporary". It was usually a hidden political motif clothed in Christianity--Republican or Democrat. Both claimed God was on their side, which is quite laughable in the grand scheme. If you will allow me just a few minutes of your time, an open mind, I would like to share with you the medium of the Christian message, that appears very "unChristian" from a western, consumeristic, institutionalized version of the message.
"If we live in the light..." Light...a word that has been used from the beginning. It was the first thing God spoke into the embryonic chaos the Hebrew Bible called "tehom." "Let there be light..."(Genesis 1:3). A few verses later in 1 John, the writer talks more in depth about this "light,"
is the message we have heard from Christ and now announce to you: God is light,
and in him there is no darkness at all."
Second problem--and this is a real biggie: people just can't seem to agree upon anything...especially when it comes to religion. Take a good hard look at Christianity. Christianity Today did a study and claimed there were over 38,000 denominations within Christianity. The World Christian Encyclopedia of 2001 counted 33,830. There are 242 Roman Catholic denominations! And another: It is estimated there will be 55,000 denominations by the year 2025. In one religion alone, there are tens of thousands of different perspectives all claiming they are right...all claiming they are "walking in the light." Sound ludicrous, obnoxious, and even moronic...but is it? Why would people argue and split over something if there is just ONE true answer...IT MUST BE FALSE...or, there is another layer.
Light--we are to walk in it, God is in it, and God is it. If you look deeper in the Hebrew and Greek of this word it doesn't give a whole lot of insight. Light is light...but the color of light is what opens up a whole new world of possibilities, especially when we talk faith.
Light is NOT made up of a singular color. This statement alone changes everything. If truth is light, and light is a spectrum that messes up everything that I've ever been taught. I was taught there is only ONE truth, not everybody can be right, there is an obvious right and an obvious wrong, but the number of denominations obviously denies that fact. Not everybody can be wrong, and not everybody can be right. Light is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. That's just the colors our little brains can wrap around. Who knows, it could be more, but I'll just go with what we know.
It says if we walk in this "light" (multicolored spectrum), it says we have "fellowship." I have to stop here and make a comment. I was involved with one particular denomination for many, many, many years. I struggled with many of their concepts. When I finally came out and gave a perspective that opposed theirs, rather than stopping, listening, and considering--I was called "poison," "apostate," "heretic," and in danger of eternal damnation. I was disenfrancised. They broke fellowship with me. Fellowship is based on "light" and the many colors of it. Early rabbis taught that the text was like a diamond and when the light hit it, it brought forth many different colors. They focused on the beauty, rather than the differences of colors. They saw how awesome it was for something they could only see a singularity of color, shined through angles, brought forth even more color...like a birth.
Black is the absence of color (and is therefore not a color)
When there is no light, everything is black. Test this out by going into a photographic dark room. There are no photons of light. In other words, there are no photons of colors.
White is the blending of all colors and is a color.
Light appears colorless or white. Sunlight is white light that is composed of all the colors of the spectrum. A rainbow is proof. You can't see the colors of sunlight except when atmospheric conditions bend the light rays and create a rainbow. You can also use a prism to demonstrate this.
Could there be so many denominations, perspectives, interpretations, etc. because of God being light. I know this will get me in hot water, but I'll say it anyway....could there be so many perspectives because their are so many angles and colors of truth when it comes to God. If one person or one denomination, or even one religion had all the truth there is to know about God, would they be a god. Would there even be a need for God at that point? Living in the light, is living in the spectrum of possibilities and perspectives. We all can learn from others if we are just willing to shut our mouths and just genuinely listen. If we would just listen to what they have to say, where it comes from, and try to understand the experiences they are drawing from to come up with their beliefs. To "walk in the light" is to walk in the spectrum of beauty--the many different colors, because God is a multi-faceted, "multi-colored" God.
I'll close with one of the most profound questions anybody has ever asked. Pilate asked Jesus, while Jesus was on trial, "What is truth?" Check out this conversation between Pilate and Jesus:
33 Then Pilate
went back inside the palace and called Jesus to him and asked, “Are you the
king of the Jews?”
34 Jesus said, “Is
that your own question, or did others tell you about me?”
35 Pilate
answered, “I am not one of you. It was your own people and their leading
priests who handed you over to me. What have you done wrong?”
36 Jesus answered,
“My kingdom does not belong to this world. If it belonged to this world, my
servants would have fought to keep me from being given over to the Jewish
leaders. But my kingdom is from another place.”
37 Pilate said,
“So you are a king!”
Jesus answered, “You are the one
saying I am a king. This is why I was born and came into the world: to tell
people the truth. And everyone who belongs to the truth listens to me.”
38 Pilate said,
“What is truth?” After he said this, he went out to the crowd again and said to
them, “I find nothing against this man.
Jesus never gave Pilate a clear-cut
answer. There was no "cookie-cutter" version of truth that was
laid out in bullet points or read from Webster's dictionary. It was up to
Pilate to discover the beauty of truth. I know there will be people that
label me and try to tell you that I am in the camp that "believes in no
absolute truth", and "new ager's think truth is relative," but I
will just turn it back around and say, "light is multi-colored, but
darkness on the other hand, has only one color--the absence of
light--black." And technically, black isn't even a real color; black
is the absence of color. If the medium is the message, then be a
spectrum of light that listens, gives off beauty, is multi-dimensional,
multi-faceted, and open to seeing other colors. That is a reflection of
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