Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Unlikey Response

You've probably seen the recent backlash in the Christian community against Victoria Osteen.  She recently went on air at the end of Lakewood's broadcast and said:

"When we obey God, we're not doing it for God...we're doing it for ourself. Because God takes pleasure when we're happy. Do good 'cause God wants you to be happy. When you come to church, when you worship Him, you're not doing it for God, really. You're doing it for yourself because that's what makes God happy."

Twitter blew up with Christians bashing her with idea of humanism and idolatry.  Steve Camp, pastor of The Cross Church in Palm City, Florida, told Christian News Network that Osteen's remarks went directly against scripture:
“It’s the age old sin of idolatry -- that it’s not about God, it’s about us. True worship for the humanist is about how we feel at the end of the day and what gives us meaning, as opposed to what gives God glory.” (

Christians immediately went to work making up parodies and posting them on You Tube.  The most popular was the video with Victoria Osteen giving her message and Bill Cosby responding at the end (watch here:

Morgon Guyton, a college chaplain said; "I would revise Victoria Osteen’s words to point out that the way we gain true happiness is to forget ourselves because of our delight in God."

I'm not here to jump on either side and say, "this person is wrong and this person is right, " all I want to do is just ask a few simple questions in which I don't have answers.  If I can ask the right questions, maybe I'll stumble on some right answers eventually in regards to Victoria Osteen's statement and the Christian backlash against her.

1.) Were we created in the image of God? If "yes",  proceed to #2 
2.) Being made "like God" or a "duplication of God" does our emotions duplicate the copy (God) as well?  How about our desires?  Does the image of God desire the same things as God?
3.) If the people correcting Victoria Osteen are correct about the Bible saying that God wants glory and worship for himself, then what does that say about us?  Back to statement 1 & 2--we are created in the image of God--a duplication of who He is.  If He wants glory and worship, is it built into us to want something similar?  Would God forget about himself? (You could make the argument of "yes" if you believe Jesus was God...but that is for another blog :))
4.) What does glory and worship look like for the image bearer of God?  Is it directed only towards the Creator, or is there this secretly imbedded instinct that seeks this same thing within us, yet it is supressed because of the idea of pride, idolatry, and self-rightousness. The idea just isn't politically correct amongst most Christians.  It just "seems wrong."
5.) If "yes" for #4, what would the new definition of pride look like?  

Just thinking out loud tonight because I see both sides point of view.  Could the answer lie somewhere in the middle?  Remember, I am not on either side or justifying Osteen's statement or the Christians response.  Lech lecha!!